
Changemaker: Change Inventors with STEAM

Changemaker: a project managed by Goodwill

How it started

Changemaker: Change Inventors with STEAM is a project co-financed by the Social Enterprise With Children and by the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Foundationto provide young participants and the educational community in Rossano with the opportunity to experiment with the conscious and beneficial use of digital and technology as accelerators of opportunities, growth, and sharing. We want to make science, mathematics, and engineering a passion for both boys and, especially, girls.

What is it?

A project that aims to transform the Corigliano-Rossano area into an innovation laboratory for 240 students, their families, and teachers. Two school buildings in the historic center of Rossano, located in the same square, will be involved in 40 months of laboratory activities exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics to nurture passions, talents, and strengthen skills.

Did you say S.T.E.A.M.?

To the acronym STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), we add the A for Art, which becomes the guiding thread of a new transformative process. It is written as STEAM and pronounced STIM (from the English "stem"). The consideration of knowledge changes: not just containers of notions but exploratory labyrinths that create value, encouraging creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, and developing essential skills.

Un progetto che reinventa l’innovazione grazie alla sinergia di STEAM e attività ludico-pedagogiche per un armonico sviluppo di competenze.

changemaker: inventori di cambiamento